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Community Visionaries: Vegreville Association for Living in Dignity

Apr 11, 2024

Giving those who are different the opportunity to shine

"VALID continues to impact people who are often living on the fringe of society and who need other people and agencies advocating for them. We’re proud to offer that support."

In the 1950s, when the town of Vegreville’s population was less than 3,000, life for students who needed extra support wasn’t always easy. Many went without a proper education. But that all changed in the spring of 1959 when a handful of parents met to plan for a better future for their children with disabilities. 

In 1960, these parents opened a school dedicated to meeting the needs of kids with disabilities children housed in the old Beaver Bennet Scout Hut building. It didn’t take long for surrounding community members to hear about its impact. A few years later, a brand-new school was built to accommodate space for many new students. It has continued to grow, changing the perception of those with disabilities in Vegreville for over 60 years. 

The once-small school has transformed into the Vegreville Association for Living in Dignity (VALID), a non-profit serving 50 to 60 Vegreville area residents at a time.

VALID and its team of 65 staff operate five residential care homes, independent living programs, day programs and a hands-on employment program. “VALID continues to impact people who are often living on the fringe of society and who need other people and agencies advocating for them. We’re proud to offer that support,” says Lana Syms, Executive Director of VALID.

In 2020, Lana moved from an acreage near Olds for the job at VALID — even though she had no clue where Vegreville was on a map. But the organization’s mission resonated with her so much that she bought a house in town and settled down for good. “It’s such a wonderful organization,” she says. “This is where I’ll probably retire. I have become a part of the community and I feel blessed to be in this role.” 

Like Lana, the team at VALID takes pride in giving back in a multitude of ways. One of the biggest ways they do it is through VALID’s employment program and its shining star, the Pot o’ Gold Thrift Store, which is operated almost entirely by those who access VALID’s programming. By having a job at the store, VALID’s clients learn tangible skills like pricing and sorting inventory as well as intangible customer service and social skills.

“So many of our individuals work in the store and are recognized in the community for their work,” says Lana. “We have such regular customers coming through the doors all the time to support us. Seeing our individuals thrive in this environment makes it feel like we’re on the right track with our goals.”

But offering an employment program for VALID clients isn’t the only benefit of the Pot o’ Gold Thrift Store. In October 2021, Lana took this community support one step further and started a voucher program designed to spread the positive impact even further.

Since then, Lana has handed out nearly $10,000 worth of vouchers for the Pot o’ Gold Thrift Store to other agencies like Vegreville’s Family & Community Support Services. The agencies then pass the vouchers along to their clients. “This is our way of taking some of our support from community donations and giving it right back to the community,” says Lana. “It has helped create awareness about what we do, but more importantly, it's helping more people in need out there.”

The store itself acts as a hub for kindness and community goodwill among both the staff and those who come to shop. To keep that hub looking inviting, the team has planned some building updates. In early 2024, VALID was granted a $10,000 Vision Credit Union Helping Hand Grant to update the store’s bathrooms. “This particular grant was so fantastic and tied in so much to the need that we have there,” says Lana. “We’re just thrilled.”

Lana’s excitement stems from her dedication to ensuring VALID continues changing lives and spreading positivity in Vegreville. “We’re so involved with the individuals we support and sometimes we’re all they’ve got,” she says. “It’s more than just a job. We’ve become their family.”

Learn more about VALID on their website: www.valid-assoc.org/

Interested in becoming a volunteer? Click here to see current volunteer opportunities at VALID.

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